Know yourself:
Every day: Record in your diary your experiences at work or in class, as well as your relationship with your classmates..You will have to self-evaluate:
- Class diary: Capture your experiences in class, remember the moments.
- mood: Evaluate yourself, rate your mood.
- With your companions: Evaluate your relationship with your colleagues
- With your teachers: Evaluate your relationship with teachers. If you want to make a point, do it in the diary.
- I respect: It is important that you self-evaluate the respect you have for what you do, that is, do you do your tasks in the best possible way?
- Personal Organization: Be self-critical. Are you organizing yourself well?
- Aggressiveness: How about your level of aggression?
- Generosity: Are you supportive of others?
- Motivation: Be conscious. Your motivation is important. How motivated are you in class?
- Dedication: How was your performance today?
- Fatigue: Rate your level of tiredness from 1 to 10, with 1 being rested and 10 being exhausted.
Exam Day: On the day of the Exam, the before and after is important. You are going to work your exam days so that you are an exam-taking machine..You will have to self-evaluate:
- Exams: Write some letters about your exams.
- Preparation: How prepared did you come to the exam?
- Concentration: How was your concentration level during the exam?
- Relaxation: Rate your level of relaxation from 1 to 10. 10 is super relaxed and 1 is extremely nervous
- Ambition: Were you going all out in the exam with all your ability? Rate your level of ambition from 1 to 10. 10 is super ambitious and 1 is lazy.
- Sacrifice: Have you given up something to do a good exam? A 1 means I didn´t have to give up anything and a 10 means I gave up everything except what was strictly necessary.
- Trust: Rate your confidence level
- Fear: Were you afraid when you started the exam? 1 is I was not afraid and 10 is "fear left me blank"
This Year´s Goals: Only if you know what you want can you achieve it.You will have to self-evaluate:
- Goals as a Student: Make a list of your goals and write a short description of what you are going to do and when you want to achieve it.
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