Student Mental Strength

Itineraries Student Mental Strength

Student Mental Strength

This Applied Emotional Intelligence Plan will improve your performance and accelerate learning.It is a key factor in the social and mental well-being of students. It makes it easier to contextualize your environment and your ability to make correct decisions.

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Activities Student Mental Strength

It will help you keep track of your activities. Every day in class is important both for what you have to do: homework and study but also for how you feel and how you are with your classmates. Exam days are key, you know it and you will have to get used to them, there will be many. We have a plan for exam day. Start now and enjoy!

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Activities Student Mental Strength

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Special Emotional Itineraries

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Special Professionals: Psychologists, Coaches, Trainers

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Know yourself:

Every day: Record in your diary your experiences at work or in class, as well as your relationship with your classmates..You will have to self-evaluate:

  • Class diary: Capture your experiences in class, remember the moments.
  • mood: Evaluate yourself, rate your mood.
  • With your companions: Evaluate your relationship with your colleagues
  • With your teachers: Evaluate your relationship with teachers. If you want to make a point, do it in the diary.
  • I respect: It is important that you self-evaluate the respect you have for what you do, that is, do you do your tasks in the best possible way?
  • Personal Organization: Be self-critical. Are you organizing yourself well?
  • Aggressiveness: How about your level of aggression?
  • Generosity: Are you supportive of others?
  • Motivation: Be conscious. Your motivation is important. How motivated are you in class?
  • Dedication: How was your performance today?
  • Fatigue: Rate your level of tiredness from 1 to 10, with 1 being rested and 10 being exhausted.

Exam Day: On the day of the Exam, the before and after is important. You are going to work your exam days so that you are an exam-taking machine..You will have to self-evaluate:

  • Exams: Write some letters about your exams.
  • Preparation: How prepared did you come to the exam?
  • Concentration: How was your concentration level during the exam?
  • Relaxation: Rate your level of relaxation from 1 to 10. 10 is super relaxed and 1 is extremely nervous
  • Ambition: Were you going all out in the exam with all your ability? Rate your level of ambition from 1 to 10. 10 is super ambitious and 1 is lazy.
  • Sacrifice: Have you given up something to do a good exam? A 1 means I didn´t have to give up anything and a 10 means I gave up everything except what was strictly necessary.
  • Trust: Rate your confidence level
  • Fear: Were you afraid when you started the exam? 1 is I was not afraid and 10 is "fear left me blank"

This Year´s Goals: Only if you know what you want can you achieve it.You will have to self-evaluate:

  • Goals as a Student: Make a list of your goals and write a short description of what you are going to do and when you want to achieve it.

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Emotional Intelligence Activities Workshop.Student Mental Strength

Benefits of Student Mental Strength

Journaling has the benefit of venting about yourself. It's a mental exercise that you can put into practice on a daily basis.

Here are the benefits:

  • - It allows you to get organized.
  • - Preserve memories.
  • - Helps correct errors.
  • - Encourages creativity.
  • - Strengthens memory.
  • - Promotes habits.
  • - Promotes physical and emotional health.
  • - You learn from yourself.

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