You are on the MENTALPAGE website and you may be interested in knowing

Who are we and where can you find us?

We are the company MENTALPAGE, SL, our CIF is B-99433757, and we are registered in the Commercial Registry of Zaragoza, Volume 3736, Folio 28, Sheet Z-49165.

You can find us in Zaragoza (50.004), Paseo de Pamplona 23, 1st right. and if you prefer a virtual contact this is our email:

How do we work?

You already know that MENTALPAGE offers you to create your encrypted virtual diary and in case you are wondering, we go ahead and tell you:

Regarding security: we operate with a 100% unique encryption system for each MENTALPAGE user. We have an SSL certificate that guarantees safe browsing and we are subject to security audits. Without a doubt, the security of your information is our priority.

Regarding your data: here it is important that we differentiate your data as a MENTALPAGE user and the content you enter.

Let's see,

Regarding your data as a MENTALPAGE user.

We simply have stored your email and a nickname or pseudonym, and I assure you that we do not sell it, nor give it away, nor use it for any purpose other than to consider you a user of our application and notify you of changes, notices, news and proposals.

But you should know that, in any case, you have the right to access this information and rectify, modify or cancel it from your user account. If you don't know how to do it yourself, on the day you want, send me an email to and tell me what you want to do with it. That easy.

Regarding the data you enter in your encrypted virtual diary.

This information is yours, particular and private.
We do not read it nor do we access it, rest assured about this.
The system can send you suggestions and notifications for your best use of the application, but they are generic guidelines such as “you haven't written in a long time” and have nothing to do with the content you enter.

On this topic, I anticipate with some frequently asked questions:

If I unsubscribe from the app, is my data deleted?

The answer is no: because you are the owner, who has access to them so if you want to delete the content, we suggest you do it manually.

Can I share the content of what I write on networks or export it in some way?

Sorry, you can't do it from the application but you always have the option of using “copy and paste” and insert it wherever you want.

And can another person access my virtual diary?

That is your decision, if you want, provide them with your access data, we will never do it unless we are legally obliged to do so.

And tomorrow, if I'm not here, what happens to my diary?

It is a very interesting topic that we call the legacy of the virtual diary and which we are working on. We are open to your ideas, suggestions and proposals since, ultimately, they are your data and your information but for now, while it is not resolved, we suggest that you think about your own options in the event that one day you are not there and you want for someone to access that information of yours.

What else are you interested in knowing?

That we have the intellectual property rights of the website, its graphic design and codes so that, please, do not misuse the material, much less reproduce it, plagiarize it, distribute it or, in short, benefit financially from our work because we would be forced to act legally due to these events.