Graphic counter

Contador Gráfico

Graphic counter

Keeping counters for things or daily actions is a very significant contribution to your virtual diary. Keep an online counter of whatever you want, with the frequency you want from wherever you want. Count coins, count cigarettes, count necks. You decide what to count and when to add or subtract from your counter in your personal journal. There are factors in life that are good to see graphically represented. Is for you.

Create your encrypted private virtual journal


Graphic Counter
ActivityArea of influencePeriodicity
Keep track of the physical exercise you do
Tell us about the things you do for yourself and the things you do to look good to others
Establish measures to control your improvement in health aspects: portions of fruit and vegetables you consume, cigarettes you smoke,...
Count the times you've laughed throughout the day and the smiles you've offered to those around you
Count how many people you've judged for no reason
Mark the times you've sought approval from others
Area of influencePeriodicity
IIIntrapersonal IntelligencePPunctual
AEEmotional Self-MotivationSMIntrapersonal Intelligence
NNaturalness / Authenticity