Reducing Stress

Itineraries Reducing Stress

Reducing Stress

Psychology advises us to keep a stress diary and work on it daily.

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Activities Reducing Stress

He recommends that to know ourselves better we must look at the sources that cause us stress. To do this, he suggests that we answer some questions daily for a week and at the end look at which are the most common sources that cause stress. The ones that make you feel more vulnerable. He recommends us to write it down.

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Activities Reducing Stress

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Know yourself:

Every day: Answer these questions every day to know yourself better, take into account what causes you stress and have strategies to deal with it..You will have to self-evaluate:

  • Stress Diary: A journal sheet for each source of stress. Answer these questions every time:What has caused me stress? (Be direct and clear, for example, “a meeting with the sales director.”)How have I felt from 1 to 10? (10 is maximum discomfort.Desc

At the end of the week: Review your stress diary at the end of each week..You will have to self-evaluate:

  • At the top of estrés: Here you will write down in the form of items the worst causes of stress of the week and the strategies used to manage them.

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Emotional Intelligence Activities Workshop.Reducing Stress

Benefits of Reducing Stress

Journaling has the benefit of venting about yourself. It's a mental exercise that you can put into practice on a daily basis.

Here are the benefits:

  • - It allows you to get organized.
  • - Preserve memories.
  • - Helps correct errors.
  • - Encourages creativity.
  • - Strengthens memory.
  • - Promotes habits.
  • - Promotes physical and emotional health.
  • - You learn from yourself.

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