Emotional Intelligence Development Activities

Itineraries, Activities and Resources for children, teenagers and adults.

Achieve success by boosting your emotional intelligence.

Mentalpage is the ICT tool to enhance intrapersonal intelligence.

Without self-motivation, success cannot be achieved.

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Itineraries, activities and resources to boost emotional intelligence with MentalpageItineraries, activities and resources to boost emotional intelligence with Mentalpage
Top Rated Tool for Intrapersonal Intelligence

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They recommend the best courses and master's degrees for teachers on the Development of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences as the best ICT tool to enhance Intrapersonal Intelligence. Journaling will make you smarter, and you'll face your life knowing yourself.

Mentalpage is useful for the entire educational community

Journals and Specific Activities

With all the power of the Mentalpage engine, you will enjoy a personalized itinerary according to your tastes and needs

Proposed Activities to Enhance Emotional Intelligence and to strengthen you mentally.

15 Apps as Educational Resources

The Extra Resources You'll Want to Use

All the necessary tools to enhance online self-knowledge:
Personal Diary, Lists & Priorities, Goals and Objectives,Timelines, Comparison Tables,Counter Charts, Level Charts, Autobiography, Motivational Quotes, Growths, Secret Links

Stoic Diary

Based on the teachings of the Stoics Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Pythagoras.

Stoics work their personal journal as a tool to achieve inner well-being and control of their emotions. The Stoics follow a rule of thumb not to think about the bad moment they are experiencing, but about the present moment. This helps them focus on the positive and not worry about the future.
Stoic Diary

Stoic Diary


Athlete's Personal Diary.

Achieve success as an athlete. Body and Mind.

Keeping a diary specialized in and for athletes is going to be a tremendously powerful habit for all areas of life, but being able to record everything that happens around your life as an athlete and your day-to-day life will discipline you and enhance your personal intelligence, your emotional health and your results as an athlete.

Athlete's Personal Diary.

Achieve Your Dreams

Follow this Itinerary day by day to get closer to achieving your dreams.

One of the Competencies of Emotional Intelligence is Self-Motivation. It is the internal engine that drives us to achieve our objectives and goals. We are going to work on Achievement Orientation: it is the ability to act by directing effort and talent towards the achievement of objectives.
Achieve Your Dreams

Itinerary Achieve Your Dreams